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Adding: Easy Peasy simple and remainder additions | Educational Videos for Kids

12 ViewsĀ· 08/22/23

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Hello friends! Welcome to a new Happy Learning video.
Today, we are going to learn how to add numbers! Wait and see how fun it isā€¦

Adding is joining things, and counting them, itā€™s that simple. For exampleā€¦ Letā€™s add how many toys we haveā€¦
Itā€™s 1 plus 1, 2! , plus 1, three! We have three toys. Easy peasy huh?

As you can see, we use this sign when we are adding, and itā€™s called PLUS. Letā€™s do another example.

If a chicken lays 3 eggs, and another chicken lays 5 eggs. How many eggs do I have in total? Letā€™s seeā€¦
3 eggs, plus 5 eggs is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 eggs!

When weā€™re adding, we only write down the number. We donā€™t say what we are talking about, so itā€™s easier to write!

If we add 4 blue marbles, plus 2 green marbles we write 4 + 2 that makes a total of 6. So we know we have 6 marbles.

Each one of the quantities that we add are called summands, and a simple addition can have as many summands as we wish. Additions can be written vertically, like this oneā€¦ or horizontally, like this oneā€¦

For now, weā€™ve seen very simple additions, but itā€™s time to do some that are little more complicatedā€¦

To add larger figures, such as 32 plus 56, we place one summand under the other, ones under ones... and tens under tens. Like this!

And then we place the plus sign.

Now, we need to add the ones from both summands. 2 plus 6 equals 8. And now letā€™s add the tens. 3 plus 5 equals 8, so the final result isā€¦ 88! (that rhymes with mate).

But what happens if the addition has remainders and more than two summards?
Itā€™s easy peasy! Letā€™s add 15 plus 27 plus 4.

As weā€™ve seen before, we place the summards under each other, nes under ones... and tens under tens. It looks like this!
+ 4

Now we add the ones, 5 plus 7 equals 12, plus 4 equals 16. With the number 16, 6 represents ones and 1 represents tens. Because there are no more units to add, we put number 6 by the result, but number 1 represents tens so we canā€™t place it yet because we havenā€™t added tens! So we turn it in a new summand and we take it to the tens column.

Now we can add up all tens!
+ 4

1 plus 1 is 2, plus two is 4 and we put number 4 in the results, under tens. So the additions final result is 46!

Easy peasy huh?

Now you need to practice lots! Because, as we said before, itā€™s very useful and entertaining!

Goodbye friends! And donā€™t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning Tv!

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