Pets & Animals
Pets & Animals

Pets & Animals



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Pets & Animals
2 Views · 2 months ago

Educational video for children that talks about characteristics and interesting facts about lions, tigers, sharks and crocodiles. The lion is a vertebrate animal, which means it has a skeleton. It is a mammal and a carnivore, so it eats other animals that live in the same habitat, the savanna. The tiger is a vertebrate animal belonging to the mammal group. It is carnivorous and can be found in the savanna, rainforests and grasslands. The shark is a vertebrate animal and belongs to the fish group. Sharks are carnivorous and their size depends on the species, but they can weigh from a few ounces up to 5,000 pounds. Finally, the crocodile is a vertebrate animal that belongs to the reptile group. It is carnivorous and lives in rivers, lakes and wetlands.

This video is a very useful and interesting resource for children. It is perfect for teaching the characteristics of ferocious animals like lions, tigers, sharks and crocodiles. It is an excellent video for early childhood education.

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If you like our videos, download Smile and Learn now. You’ll discover thousands of activities for children aged 3 to 12 years, all designed by educators. We have hundreds of games, interactive stories and videos in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish and French. Try a month for free and start the adventure!

Pets & Animals
2 Views · 2 months ago

Educational video for children that talks about interesting facts about the world's most fun animals. Dogs are very intelligent animals that can live in the company of humans. Penguins are very peculiar animals. They are birds but they can't fly. Frogs are amphibians, because they can live both on land and in water. Turtles have shells where they hide if they feel threatened. Ducks are oviparous animals, because they lay eggs where their embryos develop.

This video is a very useful and interesting resource for children to learn about animals. It is an excellent video for infant, primary and bilingual education.

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If you like our videos, download Smile and Learn now. You’ll discover thousands of activities for children aged 3 to 12 years, all designed by educators. We have hundreds of games, interactive stories and videos in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish and French. Try a month for free and start the adventure!

Pets & Animals
3 Views · 2 months ago

Educational video for children that talks about terrestrial and aquatic habitats. A habitat is a place that has the necessary resources for living beings to survive. These resources are light, water, temperature, soil and oxygen. The different characteristics of these resources are what make for different habitats. There are two types of natural habitats: terrestrial and aquatic. Among terrestrial habitats there are deserts, jungles, forests, grasslands and savannas. Aquatic habitats include landscapes such as rivers and lakes, oceans and seas. In aquatic habitats, living things have adapted to living in water.

This video is a very useful and interesting resource for children. It is perfect for teaching about natural habitats. It is an excellent video for primary education.

Thanks for visiting us! If you want your children to smile and learn, subscribe! :D

If you like our videos, download Smile and Learn now. You’ll discover thousands of activities for children aged 3 to 12 years, all designed by educators. We have hundreds of games, interactive stories and videos in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish and French. Try a month for free and start the adventure!

Pets & Animals
2 Views · 2 months ago

Educational video for children that talks about characteristics and interesting facts about jellyfish, butterflies, frogs and bees. Bees are invertebrate animals, which belong to the insect group. Bees live in communities known as hives; they are very social animals! Butterflies are also invertebrate animals that belong to the insect group. Ninety-nine percent of butterfly species are herbivorous and eat leaves and nectar. Jellyfish are invertebrate and carnivorous animals. They eat plankton, crustaceans, eggs and fish larvae. Jellyfish come in many sizes. The largest can weigh up to 200 kilos and measure up to 36 meters! Frogs are vertebrate and carnivorous animals. Like other amphibians, they live in damp places near water in rivers, ponds, lakes, or even large puddles. Did you know that the smallest frogs weigh about 5 grams and the largest can weigh up to half a kilo?

This is an educational video for children that talks about the main characteristics of different animals and a lot of interesting facts about them. It is an excellent video for elementary school.

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If you like our videos, download Smile and Learn now. You’ll discover thousands of activities for children aged 3 to 12 years, all designed by educators. We have hundreds of games, interactive stories and videos in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish and French. Try a month for free and start the adventure!

Pets & Animals
5 Views · 1 year ago

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What are you waiting for? Did you now that the fastest bird is the peregrine hawk? This bird of prey can reach up to 400 kilometers per hour whist free falling. Wow it’s so fast, poor dove if it were to cross its path…

On the other hand, the American Woodcock is the slowest bird on the planet, flying at a mere speed of 8 km per hour. Oh, check out
it´s cute little babies!

And did you know that the fastest land bird is the ostrich? This huge bird, actually the largest in the world, cannot fly but can reach up to 70 kilometers per hour…running…it’s faster than a moped!
This tiny hummingbird also holds an impressive record. Besides being the smallest bird, it can also flap its wings 200 times per second or in other words, 12 thousand times in a minute…incredible! They beat so fast that you can hardly even see them, and it looks like they are floating in the air whilst eating…

Did you know that the penguin is the aquatic bird champion? Penguins don’t fly and on land are rather clumsy, but they are incredible in the water. Some species can reach the speed of…36 kilometers per hour. They swim four times faster than a person can…but the most impressive penguin is the emperor penguin. A person can dive to the depth of 260 meters whereas this penguin species dives 535 meters deep and can hold its breath for 5 to 18 minutes. It’s a bird, it has a beak and feathers but it seems as if it wants to be a fish…

Now we have learnt a few records and fascinating facts about birds. The truth is it is beautiful observing them fly in the sky or swim in the sea but as we are always reminding you in Happy Learning, so as to continue enjoying them, we must look after our environment; do not contaminate the air, the sky, the rivers and seas. We must take care of our nature and all that is around us, and like that we will be able to live in a happier world.

Pets & Animals
2 Views · 1 year ago

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What are you waiting for? The dolphin, a very friendly mammal

Hello friends, and welcome to a new Happy Learning video. Today we are going to learn about one of the most friendly and fun mammals, presenting the dolphin.

Dolphins are aquatic mammals which live in most seas around the world.

Dolphins have a dorsal fin on the top part of their body and two lateral fins as well as a flat tail called a fluke, which they use to beat the water in an up and down motion, allowing them to swim at great speeds as well as completing agile jumps out of the water.

Did you know that dolphins don't have a nose? They have a beak and they breathe through a hole above their head. Can you see it? well this hole is called the blow hole and they close it every time they go under water so as not to let water come into their lungs.

Dolphins can submerge themselves up to 300 meters deep and can hold their breath for almost 25 minutes!

Do you know how dolphins sleep? It is really curious...because they sections. First half of their brain and half of their body goes to sleep and when that part wakes up, the other half goes to sleep. It is for this reason that they sleep with one eye open, always aware of what is going on around them. Like this they are always alert...

Dolphins belong to the cetaceous family, like whales.
The average length of a dolphin is around 4 and a half meters, which is the length of normal car and they weigh about 300 kilos.

For orientation, dolphins use a system called echolocation. The sounds the dolphins emit travels through water until it rebounds off an object found in its path, and sends it back to the dolphin. Now the dolphins can calculate how far away the object is, its size and also its shape.

Dolphins are carnivorous, their main source of food is based on crustaceans, fish, squid and octopus.

Dolphins just like all mammals are viviparous and the gestation of a baby takes 12 months. During the first month of a baby´s life, it feeds on the mother's milk and then the baby is taught how to hunt by other members of its family.
Dolphins are not scared of humans and when they encounter them, they are very friendly. They are really playful and curious animals.
Dolphins tend to live in a group and are extremely intelligent. As they are together in a group they help each other by defending off sharks and orcas by butting them with their strong beak.

But do you know what the dolphin´s biggest problem is? The humans. It is because of humans hunting them and contaminating the waters which is causing many dolphins to die. Many dolphins have been trapped in fishermen's nets or suffocated with plastic bags and rubbish which has been thrown in the sea, but this is a problem happening not just for dolphins but for many other marine species, such as turtles and seals. It is for this reason that it is just so important to look after our seas and oceans and that we should never, ever, ever, throw anything into the water.

If we maintain nature clean, dolphins as well as all other living creatures will be very happy.

So goodbye for now and don't forget to subscribe to Happy Learning.

Pets & Animals
7 Views · 1 year ago

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What are you waiting for? Happy Learning is channel for kids. Here they can find educational videos with which they can learn and have fun.

Hi Children, in this educational video we are going to learn another interesting animal, the chameleon, a multi-coloured reptile.
The chameleon is one of nature’s most curious reptiles, its capable of changing colour to camouflage, or to say, it can change its colour to match that of its surroundings, so no predators can see it… Look, look, try to find it…
The chameleon, like all reptiles, has a body that is completely covered in hard scales that protect him from its enemies, but they have a characteristic that makes them very special in comparison to other reptiles, do you know which one it is?
As you have discovered by looking at the images, chameleon’s eyes are very special. They are cone shaped and in the centre they have a hole where the pupil peeks out. The cone shape allows them to easily rotate their eyes completely in any direction. They can also move each eye independently, and that is why they have a 360 view, which is to say they can see everything that is happening around them without moving their head. But everything good that they have in their sight is bad in their hearing, why though? Why do you think that is?

As you can see they don’t have any ears and its believed they are deaf.
As we have already said the fundamental characteristic a chameleon has is that it can change its skin colour to adapt to its surrounding. However the colour change also depends on its emotional state… if they are angry… if they are scared or in love.
Another characteristic that surprises everyone is their way of hunting. Chameleons, like crocodiles, snakes and the majority of reptiles are carnivorous… which is why they need to hunt to survive.
The chameleons hunt their pray with their tongs. Their tongue is very long and can be deployed very rapidly. Its tip is sticky and when it touches its prey it sticks to it, making it very easy to then eat them. Chameleons feed mainly on insects although sometimes they can eat in small mammals or birds.

The truth is that chameleons are very extraordinary animals, don’t you think?

Bye friends, and don’t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning.

Pets & Animals
2 Views · 1 year ago

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What are you waiting for? Hi kids, today we are going to meet the bear, a very special mammal, who is very cute.
As you can see in the video the majority of bears have a very big and chubby body, with short legs and a long snout.
Like most mammals, its body is covered in hair. A bear’s fur can vary a lot in colour. It can go from snow white like a polar bear, to Brown like this grizzly bear, or to White and black like these friendly panda bears.

Although bears are very heavy and big animals, they are very capable of climbing trees with a lot of agility, however this is not always the case. They are also very competent swimmers.

Bears are omnivorous animals; they eat meat and vegetables, like us humans, however they are much greedier. The panda bear, for example, spends twelve hours a day eating bamboo and we all know how much the majority of bears love honey. To obtain most of the food they eat, they use their very developed sense of smell, it’s even better than a dogs.
There is a very special characteristic that bears have that converts them into a very interesting animal.
When the cold arrives in the freezing winter the majority of bears hibernate. They spend every day sleeping, they don’t wake up, they don’t eat, they don’t sleep, they dot drink and they don’t even poo… They live of the fat they accumulated during spring, summer and autumn. That is why they are so greedy, because they have to eat enough during these seasons, so that they can sleep all Winter.
Like all mammals, bears are viviparous, that is to say they are born form their mothers womb and the baby bears are also born without hair, teeth and are blind.
Bears are hunted for their fur, as coats and carpets can be made from them, and this is why they are in danger of extinction. If we don’t take care of them they can completely disappear from the face of the earth or they would only be able to remain in zoos.

An ability that bears have that always catches everyone’s attention is that they can stand on their back legs. This can be a very terrifying show as they can appear huge when they do so.
The most common bear is the grizzly bear; they can measure up to approximately three meters and weigh about 1477 pounds. It’s a lot, isn’t it?
Well know you now a bit more a bout bears, and even though they are not very lovable, they are super interesting!

Bye children, and don’t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning.

Pets & Animals
1 Views · 1 year ago

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Educational Videos and songs for Kids. Today we’re going to learn about mammals!
The diversity of mammals is amazing. They can be as huge as these whales,or as tiny as this cute little balancing mouse. They can be noisy like this howler monkey, or quiet like this hedgehog with its sharp, pointy spines.
Even though they’re amazingly diverse, all mammals have a number of common characteristics you should know about, so you can recognize and differentiate them.
All mammals are viviparous, they are born from their mothers’ womb. In their early stages of life, they feed on milk, which they get from their mothers' breasts where the mammary glands are. And that’s why they’re called mammals. And when they’re little, they’re so cute, aren’t they?
Mammals reproduce by internal fertilization when a sperm cell and an egg join inside the female.
As you can see, they have teeth inside their mouths, and lips around them so they can eat and suck milk.
Most mammals’ bodies are covered with hair, and all mammals breathe with their lungs, even if they live in the sea. Look at these dolphins coming to the surface for air.
The body temperature of mammals doesn’t depend on whether it’s cold or hot outside, because they can maintain their own internal temperature.
Almost all mammals are terrestrial, like camels, and jaguars. Some live in the sea and are called Marine mammals,like these dolphins,and these seals,There's even a flying mammal, bats are the only mammal that flies.
Mammals have four limbs, which vary depending on where they live. Land mammals have legs,so they can walk,and run when they need to,and Jump.,and sometimes even climb.
Marine mammals have fins so they can swim very fast...
And flying mammals have wings so they can fly through the sky...
Do you know which is the most wonderful mammal that lives on Earth?Human beings! People are mammals too...

How mammals feed
Depending on what they eat, mammals can be classified into different groups.
Herbivores only eat plants and their teeth are especially designed for grinding. Horses, sheep and llamas are herbivorous mammals. Some very special herbivores are called ruminants. They swallow their food almost without chewing it, and some of it is digested normally, but some of it is stored in their stomach, and when they want to, they regurgitate it into their mouth to digest it again. Cows, giraffes and goats are ruminants.
Carne means skin or meat in Latin, and that’s what carnivores eat: the flesh of other animals. Their teeth are large and sharp for hunting and tearing at their food.
Carnivores that eat insects and other invertebrates are called insectivores,like these anteaters.
Omnivorous mammals feed on both meat and plants. Bears, monkeys and humans are omnivores: we can eat a tasty burger with lettuce and tomato.
So, let's remember,
Mammals are viviparous, and in their early stages of life they feed on milk from their mother’s breasts,They have lips and breathe with their lungs,Their body temperature does not depend on the environment they are in, and depending on their food sources, they may be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.
Easy, right?
So goodbye for now, everybody! And don’t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning!

Pets & Animals
4 Views · 1 year ago

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Educational Videos and songs for Kids. Today we’re going to learn the vital functions of living things, nutrition, interaction and reproduction.

As you know, all living things need food, and that is the function called Nutrition. Depending on what food they eat, animals may herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. Herbivores eat plants and grasses, and they may eat the stems, roots, fruit, seeds or leaves... just like this tall giraffe is doing.
Some herbivores are very special... the ruminants... like goats and cows. They are special because they swallow their food almost without chewing it, and then store it in their stomach... Then, when they want to, they bring it back into their mouth, and chew and swallow it again... It might seem a bit disgusting to us, but that’s what ruminants do.Carnivorous animals feed on... meat.
They hunt and eat other animals so they can feed.
These animals have ferocious teeth... long, sharp claws... and, in the case of birds, very strong beaks to hunt their prey with.
Omnivores are both carnivorous and herbivorous: they eat both meat and plants... pigs and bears are omnivores. Can you guess who else is, too?... That’s right, people, human beings are also omnivores... we can we eat a roast chicken or a nice lettuce and tomato salad. Plants do not eat: they are able to manufacture the food they need within themselves, taking water and other substances from the soil

Living things need to be aware of the environment they are in to know what happens around them and to react to it. This function is called Interaction. Look at these zebras....
They are scared because they recognise the lion’s roar and know it means danger.
All the animals you see interact with each other, play, help, care about each other... but they also fight. To survive, all animals need to know about the place where they live very well, and to communicate with each other. Animals use their organs to know what is going on around them, and to react to danger.
With their eyes, they can see what’s happening;
like eagles, who have a magnificent view looking down
from the sky for something to hunt ... Oof!! Look out, it’s gonna get us! With our ears, we can hear if an animal with bad intentions is approaching... With our noses we smell if there’s tasty food anywhere near... With our skin and our sense of touch we feel the tenderness of caresses ... and of tickles.
Animals need to communicate in order to relate with each other.
Many do so through smells; others, like this chameleon, change their colors. Others, like this noisy squirrel, communicate through sound. Although they don’t move around, and don’t have eyes,
or a nose or any other sense organ, plants also interact.
When they perceive the sunlight, their stems move and grow towards it.

The last function is Reproduction. This allows living things to make new living things, and so they ensure the continuity of life... aren’t these babies adorable ?? Animals have two ways of reproducing... They may be oviparous or viviparous.... Oviparous animals, like birds, turtles or these little crocs, hatch from eggs.
Viviparous animals are born from the womb of their mothers, like these dolphins, giraffes and humans.
Plants have many ways of reproducing, but most do it through their seeds; these seeds fall to the ground, germinate and give life to a new plant. So now you know the three vital functions.
Goodbye for now, everyone,
and don’t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning!

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11 Views · 1 year ago

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Educational Videos and songs for Kids. Today we’re going to learn about reptiles!
Reptiles are vertebrate animals which are characterized by their special way of moving: many move by dragging their tummy, or abdomen, on or close to the ground; their name,
in Latin, means just that: reptar mean to crawl or slither.
Many are terrestrial, but there are also some that live in water.
All reptiles have a number of characteristics we should know about so we can recognize them. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals
that breathe with their lungs.
They are oviparous, that is they reproduce by eggs; when the eggs develop and hatch, the babies are just like their parents...
but very small. Aren’t they cute?
As you can see, reptiles’ skin is covered with strong, tough scales, and some, like tortoises, even have a shell. It looks like he has his house on his back, doesn’t it?
As for feeding well, most reptiles are carnivorous... They hunt,
like this crocodile which has just eaten this poor rodent;
or this cute chameleon, with its long, sticky tongue that catches all kinds of insects... Look, look! As we said already,
most reptiles are carnivorous, but some, like this iguana, are herbivorous.
There are lots of interesting things you should know about reptiles,
such as: most snakes have venom in their fangs...
But they’re not as bad as they seem, because they warn us of danger with their bright colors or the sound of their rattles.
Chameleons are very curious: they can change color, copying the landscape around them they blend in with the background so no-one can see them, and they become almost invisible.
So let’s remember the most important characteristics of reptiles.
Reptiles walk by dragging their tummy on or close to the ground;
they are oviparous and their body is covered with strong, hard scales...
They are vertebrates and are cold-blooded... And remember, they breathe with their lungs. Reptiles really are quite interesting, aren’t they? Well, goodbye for now everyone,
and don’t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning!

"Educational Videos and songs for Kids"

Pets & Animals
5 Views · 1 year ago

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What are you waiting for? Whats your favourite type of insect?
Comment below 😃
Did you know we are surrounded by insects? There are three in every four animals!

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Recommended video: Arachnids
Hello friends! Welcome to a new Happy Learning video.
Did you know, that for every four animals in the wild, three of them are insects? We calculate that for every human being, there are 200 million insects… We are surrounded by insects, so I think it’s important to to get to know them a little more.

Insects are invertebrate animals that have a share a number of characteristics:
Their body is divided into: head, thorax and abdomen, they have two antennae, six legs and they breathe through their traquea.

From the moment they are born, insects undergo a series of body changes called metamorphoses. Most insects are oviparous, and maggots are born from the eggs. As you can see in the images, they don’t look anything like their parents, they look like worms.
When they grow, they enclose themselves in a cocoon they make with a substance called silk. Inside the cocoon, they undergo an incredible change in their bodies and they exit as adult insects. This metamorphosis stage is called pupa, although when referring to butterflies we also call it chrysalis. This type of metamorphosis happens for 80% of the insects.

The large majority of insects have wings, in fact, they are the only group of invertebrates that can fly.

Another shared characteristic amongst insects is that they have almost perfect vision. They have compound eyes, it’s as if they had hundreds of tiny eyes in each eye, which provides excellent peripheral vision.

As we said before, there are so many insects, and there are also maaany types:
There are very annoying insects, like head lice, flies or mosquitos, interesting insects because of their shape, like stick insects, or leaf insects. Beautiful ones like butterflies or dragonflies, or singer insects like a grasshopper or cricket, that besides from singing is an excellent jumper! But… Do you know my favorite insect? It’s a bee! Because i love the honey they make!

Some insects, like ants or bees, live in highly organised societies, where they each have a job assigned. The Queen ant, for example, is in charge of laying eggs, drone ants protect the nest and worker ants are in charge of getting food and taking care of maggots.

The truth is, insects are incredible and although by their size they might seem unimportant, they are fundamental for nature’s balance. For example, they are in charge, along with some birdies, of pollination. Some insects, like my beloved bees, are constantly flying from flower to flower, transporting pollen from one flower to the next, fertilising them, which makes new amazing plants, come to life!

The truth is most insects, like most living things, are marvelous. Don’t you think?

Goodbye friends! See you next time! And don’t forget to subscribe to Happy Learning Tv!

Pets & Animals
7 Views · 2 years ago - Help support more content like this!
Insects are everywhere! They're found on every continent including Antarctica, and nearly a million species of insects have been discovered! Since new insects are being discovered all the time, scientists suspect that millions more are just waiting for us to find them. You've probably seen plenty of insects in your life - bees, ants, butterflies, beetles, and mosquitoes - and you may even know that all insects have six legs. But do you know why we don't have giant insects? The secret is in how they breathe!

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Pets & Animals
13 Views · 2 years ago

Shark facts! Learn all about sharks with these shark facts for kids! This is an animal learning video you will not want to miss! Perfect for the classroom and home!

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Thanks for watching this classroom edition of the sharks learning video! We hope you enjoyed the shark facts!

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Shark Facts for Kids | Classroom Edition Sharks Learning Video

Pets & Animals
3 Views · 2 years ago

Butterfly facts! Learn these facts about butterflies for kids in this learning video from Homeschool Pop! Perfect for the classroom and at home!

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Thanks for watching this classroom edition of the butterfly learning video! It is cool to learn facts about butterflies!

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Hope to see you next video. You are AWESOME (◕‿◕)

Homeschool Pop Team

Facts about Butterflies for Kids | Classroom Learning Video

Pets & Animals
1 Views · 2 years ago

Learn about cats with these interesting facts about cats for kids! This classroom learning video is perfect for school or home instruction. What is your favorite cat fact?

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Thanks for watching this classroom edition of the cats lesson video for kids!

We are so happy you took some time today to spend time with us!
Hope to see you next video. You are AWESOME (◕‿◕)

Homeschool Pop Team

Facts about Cats for Kids | Classroom Learning Video

Pets & Animals
4 Views · 2 years ago

Learn about all about fish in this video for kids! Fish are amazing water animals that are vertebrates (they have a spine) and have gills (which means they can breathe underwater!). This is going to be awesome!!

Special thanks to Chris 73 for the image of the gills. This image is freely available on Wikipedia.

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Pets & Animals
2 Views · 2 years ago

Learn about 8 amazing creations of ALLAH in this 26 minutes compilation video. We will learn about Elephants, Camels, Horses, Meerkats, Bees, Zebras, Lions and even Soil!

Produced by Subhi Alshaik & Abdul Rahman Alshaik


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23 Views · 2 years ago

Enjoy 5 episodes of Zaky's Discoveries all in this one compilation video.

1- Insects
2- African Animals
3- Arctic Animals
4- Sea Creatures
5- Australian Birds

Written & Produced by Subhi Alshaik & Abdul Rahman Alshaik


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3 Views · 2 years ago

Now you can enjoy 5 Zaky animal songs in this compilation video!

Song list:
1- Zebra Song - 00:06
2- Lion Song - 02:02
3- Bee Song- 03:28
4- Camel song - 04:51
5- Meerkat Song - 06:14

Written & Produced by Subhi Alshaik
Performed by Zaky (Subhi Alshaik), Suhaila Alshaik & Sumaya Alshaik


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